You'll find on this page main European Kenkyukai events. This refers to all kind of trainings where it is accepted the participation of people out from the organizer club. (It excludes normal regular lessons.) This page is updated regularly at the end or at the beginning of each month. Past events are deleted and new ones added.
You will mainly find all Master Masaji TAIRA European seminars as well as dedicated trainings organized by Shibu members.
Swiss international events are repeated here.

Main Europe Kenkyukai future events







March 18 Paris Master Pascal Duroux 20 Euros go
April 07 & 08 Hungary Master Masaji Taira 150 Euros go
April 14 & 15 Udine Master Masaji Taira 150 Euros go
May 12 & 13 Paris Master Masaji Taira 150 Euros go
July 14 & 15 Klaipèda Master Masaji Taira 150 Euros go